
  1. Early Illustrated Hebrew Manuscript Psalter
  2. The Examination of the World in an Early Decorated Hebrew Manuscript
  3. Sammelband of Two Scarce Thiengen Hebrew Imprints
  4. Disputation Between Christians and Jews
  5. Deluxe Hand-Colored Incunable Bible
  6. Highly Antisemitic Trial
  7. Incunable on 500 Years of Jewish History
  8. Fagius Hebrew Imprints with Extensive Manuscript Notations
  9. First Biblical Text Printed by the Soncino Family
  10. Incunable on Mosaic Law by the Soncino Press
  11. Mandating the Jewish Ring
  12. First Hebrew Book Printed During the Author’s Lifetime
  13. Martin Luther Answers “The Jewish Question”
  14. Martin Luther’s Scathing Antisemitic Text
  15. In Defense of Jews Converting to Christianity
  16. Margaritha’s Denunciation of the Jewish Faith
  17. The Most Important Philosophical Treatise of the Middle Ages
  18. Illustrated Anti-Jewish Incunable
  19. First German Printed Hebrew Grammar
  20. First Edition Incunable Against Judaism with Bound-In Manuscript on Exorcism
  21. First Edition, First State of Herzl’s Groundbreaking Manifesto
  22. Limited Edition Herzl’s Diaries
  23. Source for the Protocols of Zion
  24. First Scientific Work on the Sarajevo Haggadah
  25. Six Rabbis, One of Thirty Copies
  26. Pazifische Presse: Personally inscribed copies
  27. Pazifische Presse: Ten limited edition books—mostly copy 3
  28. Pazifische Presse: Ten limited edition books—mostly copy 5
  29. Pazifische Presse: Two Thomas Mann limited edition books
  30. Pazifische Presse: Two Thomas Mann printer’s proof copies
  31. Securing Feuchtwanger’s Copyright
  32. Personal Copies of 14 Books by Alfred Neumann
  33. Katharina “Kitty” Neumann Archive
  34. Peter Bamm Bound Manuscript
  35. Midwife to my Books
  36. To Feuchtwanger from his Translator
  37. Inscribed Madeline’s
  38. Bemelmans’s Mock-up Copy
  39. Author’s Copy of Manessische Liederhandschrift
  40. From Feuchtwanger to Zweig’s Secretary
  41. Groundbreaking Photographer to Guggenheim
  42. From Kästner to Guggenheim
  43. Published by POWs in Fanara, Egypt
  44. Alma Mahler, who Loved Jewish Men
  45. True First Edition of Mann’s Last Masterpiece
  46. Mann’s Tristan Signed by the Artist
  47. Signed by Mann and Heine
  48. With a TLS Magaret Mitchell
  49. Erich Maria Remarque’s Movie Script Efforts
  50. Erotic Banned Play
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