Urinary Incontinence

Grave, Johann Christian. Q.D.B.V. Dissertation medica inauguralis De incontinentia urinæ quam rectore magnificentissimo serenissimo principe ac domino domino Guilielmo Henrico duce Saxoniæ juliæ cliviæ montium Angariæ Guestphaliæ et reliqua jussu et autoritate illustris medicæ facultatis in Academia Jenensi sub præsidio Io. Hadriani Slevogtii hæred. In Ober-Roßla M.D. Anat. Chir. et Bot. PP. Itemque Med. Duc. Provinc. Patroni et promotoris sui honorandi pro licentia doctoris gradum et privilegia more majorum obtinendi publicæ eruditorum censuræ exponet Joannes Christianus Brave Romhilda Francus in auditorio majori horis ante et pomerdianis consuetis ad diem XXX Mart. A.O.R. MDCCVII.

Jenæ [Jena]: Litteris Mullerianis, [1707]. In Latin. 4to. 195 x 158 mm (7.75 x 6.25 in.). 28 pp. Woodcut head-piece and initial. In this copy, the author’s name is spelled Brave” on the title page. First and final leaves are reinforced with an orange strip of heavier paper stock. Bound in modern Italian marbled paper. Lengthy academic dissertation on the causes and treatments for urinary incontinence. The size of the type shrinks in the last gathering, likely due to the printer’s poor estimation of how much printed space the text would occupy. VD18 90631366


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Stock Code: 1474A18 Collection: Catalogue:


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