Ancient Hebrew Texts

Speckner, Johann Wilhelm. Rectore academiæ magnificentissimo serenissimo principe regio Dn. Friderico Augusto electoratus Saxon. Herede, etc. etc. etc. Dissertationem rabbinico-talmudicam De משחת המלכים [Mishat Ham-Melakim] h.e. Unctione Regum Ex Beneuolo Amplissimae Facultatis Philosophicae consensu præside M. Ioanne Hagero, Varisco, IV. Kal. Sept. A.O.R. MDCCXVI. a meridie in auditorio philisophico defendet Io. Guilelmus Specknerus, Barutho-Francus.

VVittebergae Saxonum [Wittenberg]: ex Officina Christiani Schroederi Acad. Typogr., [1716]. In Latin and Hebrew. 4to. 186 x 156 mm (7.5 x 6.25 in.). [8] ll. Woodcut initial. Index tab numbered 22” attached at the head of the title page verso. Bound in modern Italian marbled paper. Earliest known academic dissertation by the biblical scholar Speckner, discussing oil and the anointing of kings in ancient Hebrew texts. VD18 15042243


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