Adventures of Gil Blas

Le Sage, Alain Rene. GIL BLAS DI SANTILLANO, Storia Galante, Tratta dall' Idioma Francese Nell' Italiano dal Dottor D. Giulio Monti... Edizione Seconda.

Venice: Appresso Antonio Bortoli, 1732. 12mo. 3 vols. 384; 312; 358 pp. Copper engraved frontispiece. Each title page with a woodcut printer’s vignette. Cont. vellum, a bit soiled. Front pastedowns of Vol. II & III, with the engraved armorial bookplate of Sir James Wemyss of Bogie. The second Italian translation of Books 1–9. The first French ed. of Books 1–9 is 1724 (Books 1–6 appeared in 1715).


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