Dialectica, a Schoolbook

Caesarius, Johannes. DIALECTICA... Nunc Recens Hermani Raiiani Vuelsdalij Fructuosis Scholiis Illustrata, & in Multis Locis Emendata. Accessit Huic Joanni Murmelii Isagoge in Decim Aristotelis Praedicamenta.

Venice: Apud Ioannem Mariam Lenum, 1573. Sm. 8vo. ff.189 (i.e. 179, last 10 leaves mis-numbered). Lacking the final blank. Title printed within a woodcut headpiece. Large woodcut device on title-page. Cont. limp vellum, soiled. Small tear at top fore-corner of rear cover. Minor faded water stain in blank bottom margin of title page and a few gatherings. A late but rare edition of German scholar Caesarius’ (1460–1550) DIALECTICA, a schoolbook based largely on the precepts of Cicero. Not in BMC or Adams. OCLC locates no copies in USA.


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Stock Code: 1564B16 Collection:


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