Dissertation on Hair

Baier, Johann Jacob. Q.D.B.V. Dissertatio medica inauguralis De capillis, quam consensu et autoritate illustris et gratiosissimæ facultatis medicæ in alma Jenensi, præside Rudolfo VVilhelmo Crausio, hæred. In Mellingen, Phil. et Med. Doc. Prax. ac Chim. P.P. Ordinario, Collegii Medici seniore, Academ. Leop. Cæs. N.C. Collega, patrono ac promotore suo ætatem colendo, pro licentia summos in arte medica honores, privilegia et insignia doctoralia, more majorum legitime consequendi, publicæ disquisitioni submittit M. Joh. Jacob. Bajerus, Jenensis, in auditorio maiori Horis Ante- & Pomeridianis ad diem [ ] Maji MDCC.

Jenæ [Jena]: Typis Pauli Ehrichii, [1700]. In Latin. 4to. 194 x 158 mm (7.75 x 6.25 in.). 31, [1] pp. Woodcut head-piece and initials. Some wrinkles to the first and final leaves. Bound in modern Italian marbled paper. Medical dissertation on hair, with sections on physiology, pathology, and treatment for diseases. Hair color is said to be determined by climate; baldness and gray hair are among the afflictions; diets, balancing of the humors, and mercury are among the remedies offered. Baier was a physician who taught at Altdorf, led the Leopoldina Academy of Natural Sciences, and was a personal physician to the Holy Roman Emperor. He remembered mostly for his research on and collection of fossils. VD17 14:053832Q


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