Does Sterility Allow for Divorce?

Wernher, Johann Balthasar von. De Obligatione Matrimoniali secundum Legem Naturæ Auspicio Numinis Divini, atqve Benevolo Indultu Amplissimæ Facultatis Philosophicæ Lipsiensis In Vicem Prioris pro loco In Eadem More Majorum obtinendo ad d.2. April. A.O.R. MDCXCIIX. H.L.Q.C. publice disputabit M. Joh. Balthasar Wernher, Rotenburg-Francus.

Lipsiæ [Leipzig]: Excudebat Joh. Christoph, Brandenburger, [1698]. In Latin with some Greek. 180 × 150 mm (7.125 × 5.875 in.). 4to. [40] pp. Woodcut tail-piece. Underscoring and marginal highlighting in black and red ink.

Good. Trimmed close to the top margin. Right edge of title page trimmed 7mm short, not affecting text. Removed from a larger volume. Bound in modern Italian marbled paper.

Dissertation on the natural law of marriage. In 24 sections, of which the final seven are devoted to defining divorce. Several arguments are put forth for why divorce is not justified, specifically in cases of sterility (“ineptitudo ad copulam”) and spousal abuse. The author argues specifically against the positions of Hugo Grotius and John Milton on divorce. OCLC reports only one location in the US.

VD17 14:023208Y


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