Fire Safety Laws

[Leopold I (Habsburg Emperor)]. Der Römischen Kayserlichen/ auch zu Hungarn unnd Böhaimb Königl: Mayest: Leopoldi, Ertz- Hertzogens zu Oesterreich/ Unsers Allergnädigsten Herrn. Neue Feuer-Ordnung der Statt Wienn. [Fire Safety Laws of the City of Vienna].

❧ Vienna: Leopold Voigt, 1688. 300 × 200mm (11.8 × 7.9 in.). String bound pamphlet; 19 pp. In German. Important and rare fire safety laws. The document is divided into 37 distinct laws, with explanations and justifications for each one.

For the first time in Vienna, these laws cover how to handle flammable material, how many water buckets must be stored at high-risk establishments, how often fireplaces and chimneys must be swept, and prohibit the residential occupation of basements and attics. Do you enjoy seeing red tile roofs in European cities? Tiled roofs are mandated on apartment buildings in this 1688 law as a fire protection measure. Also of interest is the working relationship between fire fighters and chimney sweeps (and the special care that, in the event of fire at a convent, was to be afforded virgin nuns). Criminal laws are also addressed, including a bounty on looters after a fire.

The history of fire protection is fascinating. The first reference to fire protection in Vienna was in a criminal law from 1221 (property owners were liable in the event flames from their property affect a neighboring property). The first set of comprehensive laws specifically addressing fire protection in Vienna were enacted 1454. As was the fate of most historic cities, Vienna suffered several massive fires including ones in 1525 and 1529 (due to Turkish invasion). There was a catastrophic citywide fire in Vienna in 1627 and the extensive new laws on offer here were developed in response. Perhaps due to these new regulations, Vienna has not suffered a major citywide fire since they went into effect.

Objectively rare with Oclc locating only two copies worldwide — none in North America. kvk locates an additional copy in Austria. No other copies currently on the market. No auctions records in Rare Book Hub.

Vd17 7:708432P



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