Jurisprudence of Marriage

Schiller, Jacob. Quod deus bene vertat! Præside Clarissimo ac Consultissimo Viro Dn. Ægidio Agricola JC. Professore publico, amplissimæquè Facultatis Juridicæ p.t. Decano Spectabili, nec non incluti Senatus Norici Consiliario dignissimo, Doctore ac Fautore suo honorando, disputationem hanc Juridicam De nuptiis, publice pro virili defendendam proponot Jacobus Schiller / Noribergensis, Auctor & Respondens. Ad diem Aprilis.

AldtorphI [Altdorf]: E Typographia Balthasaris Scherffij, Universitatis Typographi, M.DC.XXVI. [1626] In Latin. 4to. 180 x 143 mm (7.125 x 5.75 in.). [24] pp. Woodcut initial. Marginal annotations and underscoring in red ink. Bound in modern Italian marbled wrappers., Disputation on the jurisprudence of marriage. With an extensive reading of marriage in Roman Civil Law. An early reader has underscored several passages and annotated a few with citations or brief notes. OCLC has only three locations, all in Germany. VD17 75:706240L


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