Loans & Malicious Contracts

Otto, Marcus. Disputatio, De mutuo: Quam Divinâ favente gratiâ Præside Clarissimo, atq[ue] Consultissimo Viro, Dn. Georgio-Davide Locamero, V.I. doctor, inque celebri Argentoratensium Academiâ Professore Publico, Præceptore & fautore sanctè observando, In Auditorio ICtorum Proponit M. Marcus Otto, Ulmanus. Mense Majo.

Argentorati [Strassburg]: Excudebate Paulus Ledertz, Anno M. DC XXI [1621]. In Latin. 4to. 186 x 156 mm (7.5 x 6.25 in.). [8] pp. Title within ornamental border; woodcut initial. Extensive handwritten annotations and underscoring. Bound in modern Italian marbled papers. A rare disputation on loans and malicious contracts which an early reader has marked and annotated at several points with commentary and citations. The recurrence of the term cuaestio” (question) and other annotations suggests the reader may have been present at the disputation as an audience member or discussant. The jurist Georg David Locamer, deacon of the University of Strasbourg, presided over the disputation. Only one location in OCLC, in Germany. Not in VD17.


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