Oratorium Inspired by Demosthenes

Carlo, Stefano (or, Carli, Stephanus). ORATORIUM ARTIFICIUM A' STEPHANO CAROLO [sic] TRIBUS DEMOSTHENIS OLYNTHRACIS Orationibus Convertendis; & Conscripto Argumento, ac tum Argumentationibus Excerptis Illustrandis Demostratum.

Bologna: Ex Typographia Joannis Rosii, 1573. 4to. (8),64pp. Woodcut device on title. Modern vellum, lightly soiled, hand lettered spine. A work on oratory inspired by orations of Demosthenes. All that is known of Carlo is that he was Professor of Greek at Bologna University between 1571 and 1582. Not in Adams or BL Italian STC. OCLC records only a handful of copies.


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Stock Code: 1570B16 Collection:


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