Relationship of the Soul to the Physical

Hardt, Johann Gottlieb. B. C. D. dissertation Anti-Cartesiana De sensatione An in solo fiat cerebro. Præside M. Johann. Gottlieb Hardt Loburg: Saxon. A. & R. Wolffgang Friedrich â Roda Boesn. Misn. Ad diem XXVIII. April M DC LXXXIII. H. L. Q. C. publicè ventilanda.

Lipsiæ: Typis Joh. Heinr. RichterI, [1683]. 4to. 185 x 160 mm (7.375 x 6.375 in.). [12] pp. Woodcut tailpiece. Bound in modern Italian marbled paper. Dissertation on the relationship between the soul, rationality, and physical sensation. OCLC records only one location in the US. VD17 12:184782H


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