Ship Captains

Groddeck, Abraham. Q.D.B.V. Exercitium legale De magistro navis, Quod Consensu Inclytæ Facult. Juridicæ Lipsiensis, sub moderamine Dn. Gothofredi Barthii, Jur. Utr. Doct. & Pract. Fautoris ac Præceptoris sui maximopere colendi, Ad diem XXI. Jun. Anno R. S. M.DC.XCIV. publicæ & solenni disquisitioni proponet author Abrahamus Groddeck, Dantiscanus.

[Leipzig]: Typis Christiani GoezI, [1694]. In Latin and German. 4to. 193 x 161 mm (7.75 x 6.5 in.). [48] pp. Woodcut initials. A touch of spotting on the title page. Temoignage on C4. Bound in modern Italian marbled paper. Dissertation on ship captains with reference to classical (Ulpian) and modern (Grotius) jurists. No copies outside of Europe reported in OCLC. VD17 12:142965G


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