Three Issues of Iran Report

Iran Report [September '71, November '72, and August '73]

Frankfurt: Conföderation der Iranischen Studenten [CISNU], 1971–1973. 205 by 145mm (8 by 5¾ inches). Stapled brochure; 56 pp; 84 pp; 95 pp. Three issues of this German-Iranian student publication. In German. Very Good. 1971 issue with interior pages bound upside-down. Informative Anti-Shah publication with extensive articles on the history of oil in Iran; neo-colonial infrastructure; and the CIA’s involvement in the country. Publication predates the overthrow of the Shah in 1979. Published by the infamous CISNU. In 1965, CISNU leaders were arrested for attempting to murder Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and as a result the group pushed towards more radicalization. By 1971, the Iranian government declared CISNU illegal. Sold as a set. Individual issues to help complete an existing run available at $65/each.


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Stock Code: 1508A20 Collection:


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