Restriction on Marriage, Polygamy, and Adultery

Bode, Heinrich von. Disputatio juris moralis et civilis publici et privati De restringenda libertate matrimonii ineundi quam rectore magnificentissimo, serenissimo principe ac domino, Dn. Friderico Wilhelmo, regni Borussiæ et electoratus Brandenburgici herede, &c. &c. &c. Sub praesidio, Dn. Henrici Bodini, JCti, consiliarii Regim. Eccl. in Duc. Magdeb. Et Prof. Jur. Ord. ex ejusdem privatissimis discursibus exceprtam. Publice ventilandam proponet Hieronymus de Münchhausen / Eq. Schaumburg. Ad diem 17. Dec.

Halae Magdeburgicae [Halle an der Saale]: Typis Joh. Gruneri, Acad. Typogr., [ca. 1700?]. In Latin. 4to. 185 x 160 mm (7.375 x 6.25 in.). 24 pp. Woodcut initial and head-piece. Pages softened and toned. Bound in modern Italian marbled paper. Thesis on various restrictions to the right to enter into matrimony. The author begins by defining marriage as a transfer of a woman as property into the possession of a man. This is followed by various deviations to this norm, such as celibacy (which the author claims is always voluntary for men, always involuntary for women), polygamy, and adultery. VD17 3:320201P


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