History of Usury

Böhmer, Justus Henning. Dissertatio inauguralis iuridica De fundamento Usurarum pecuniae mutuaticiae quam indultu inclytae facultatis iuridicae in regia Fridericiana praeside Dn. Iusto Henningio Böhmero ICto potentiss. Reg. boruss. a consiliis intimis prof. iur. ordin. Patrono ac fautori suo omni animi submissione colendo pro gradu doctorali D. XXVI. August. MDCCXXVIII. H.L.Q.C. Eruditorum examini submittit Herm. Bernhard. Wolffradt, sundensis pomeran.

Halae Magdeburgicae [Halle an der Saale]: Stanno Gruvertiano, [1728]. In Latin. 4to. [4], 52, [4] pp. Woodcut head- and tail-pieces; woodcut initials. Good. Title page trimmed a little close to the right margin. Removed from a larger volume. Bound in modern Italian marbled paper. Legal dissertation on the history of usury in Germany. OCLC lists only one location in the United States. Böhmer was an accomplished lawyer and legal scholar and a mentee of Samuel Stryck who succeeded Stryck in his academic post. Böhmer was greatly influenced by the Enlightenment and his legal works were very influential. His work on the Pandects led to the development of German law beyond Roman law, laying the foundation for the laws of the Prussian state. VD18 14857871


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