Treatise on Libel Depicting Eating Excrement

Brunquell, Johann Salomo. Io. Salom. Brunnquiellii, IC. Consil. Aul. Saxo-Isenac. Et Gothani, Pandect. P.P. Curiae Prov. Fac. Iurid. Atque Scabin. Ordin. Assessoris celeberrimi, Commentatio iuridica De pictura famosa, et de specie iuris germanici, pacto nimirum, quo maiores nostri, sub pictura famosa, Ben Strafe Schand-Gemähldes, sese obligarunt, occasione Rec. Imp. de A. 1577. Tit. 35. §. 7. Quam in celeberrima Academia Ienensi Mens. Octobre. An. MDCCXXXIII. Pro gradu doctoris quondam habuit Christoph. Ferdin. Voit a Berg, Augustanus. Editio novissima.

Ienae [Jena]: ex officina Ritteriana, An. MDCCXLVIII. [1748] In Latin and German. 4to. 200 x 169 mm (7.75 x 6.75 in.). 96 pp. including engraved frontispiece. Woodcut head- and tail-pieces and initial. Special title page on page [81]. Some spotting to the frontispiece and first few leaves, but otherwise a Very Good copy. Bound in modern Italian marbled paper., Treatise on libel, first published 1733, by a popular jurist. The frontispiece depicts corporal and capital punishments for those convicted of libel and slander, including flogging, hanging, decapitation, and beheading. In one of the panels, two men are depicted eating the excrement of animals. Only two locations in the United States reported by OCLC. VD18 10274650


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