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Tasso, Torquato. L'Aminta. Favola Boschereccia. Aggiuntovi il Poemetto Amore Fuggitivo.

Engraved Fugitive Love

Tolstoy, Leo. MASTER AND MAN. Translated from the Original Russian.

1st American Edition

Tosca, Tomas Vicente. COMPENDIO MATHEMATICO en Que se Contienen Todas las Materias Mas Principales de las Ciencias, Que Tratan de la Cantidad. Tercera Impression. Corregida, y Enmendada... Tomo VIII [only]. Que Comprehende Astronomia Practica. Geographia. Nautica.

With 10 Mathematical Plates


Overview of Beauty in Poetry

King, Anthony J. TWENTY-FOUR YEARS IN THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC; EMBRACING ITS CIVIL AND MILITARY HISTORY, and an Account of Its Political Condition, Before and During the Administration of Governor Rosas.. and the Circumstances Which Led to the Interposition of England and France.

Twenty-four Years in Argentina

[Vaillant, Adolfo (ed.)]. LA REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY (America del Sud) en la Esposicion de Viena.

Uruguay at the Vienna Exhibition

Dauxion Lavaysse, Jean J.. A STATISTICAL, COMMERCIAL, AND POLITICAL DESCRIPTION OF VENEZUELA, TRINIDAD, MARGARITA, AND TOBAGO: Containing Various Anecdotes and Observations, Illustrative of the Past and Present State of These Countries; from the French of M. Lavaysse: With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes, by the Editor [E. Blasquiere].

Venezuela, Trinidad, Margarita and Tobago

Rivera Indarte, Jose. ROSAS Y SUS OPOSITORES.

Anti Rosas Propaganda

Chesterton, George Laval. A NARRATIVE OF PROCEEDINGS IN VENEZUELA, in South America, in the Years 1819 and 1820... of the Force of General Morillo. The state of the Royalists...

Narrative of Venezuela

No author. TREATY OF AMITY, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION, BETWEEN HIS LATE MAJESTY AND THE PERU-BOLIVIAN CONFEDERATION: Together with Two Additional Articles Thereunto Annexed: Signed at Lima, June 5, 1837.

Treaty Between England and The Peru-Bolivian Confederation”

Hippisley, G. A NARRATIVE OF THE EXPEDITION TO THE RIVERS ORINOCO AND APURE in South America; Which Sailed from England in November 1817, and Joined the Patriotic Forces in Venezuela and Caraccas.

Scarce Expedition to Venezuela

Marques, Manuel Eufrasio de Azevedo (comp.). APONTAMENTOS HISTORICOS, GEOGRAPHICOS, BIOGRAPHICOS, ESTATISTICO E NOTICIOSOS DA PROVINCIA DE S. PAULO, Seguidos da Chronologia dos Acontnecimentos Mais Notaveis Desde a Fundacao de Capitania de S. Vicente Ate o Anno de 1876... E Publicados do Instituto Historico e Geographico Brasileiro...

History of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Lafragua Ibarra, Jose Maria. MEMORANDUM DE LOS NEGOCIOS PENDIENTES ENTRE MEXICO Y ESPANA. Presentado al... Ministro de Estado... El dia 28 de Julio de 1857.

Mexican-Spanish Relations

Craig, Patrick. [Spider Research & Correspondence Archive]

Archive of a Spider Man

Mally, J. Salve sus nervios. Origen, causa y tratamiento de la neurastenia, histeria y otras enfermedades de los nervios.

Coping with Neuroses in Argentina

Bélidor, Bernard Foret De. Architecture Hydraulique, ou l’Art de Condurire, d’Élever, et de Ménager les Eaux Pour les Differens Besoins de la Vie. Premiere Partie, Tome Premier. Par M. Belidor, Commissaire Provincial d’Artillerie, Professeur Royal des Mathémathiques, aux Ecoles du même Corps, Membre des Académies Royales des Sciences d’Angleterre & de Prusse, Correspondent de celle de Paris.

First Edition on Water Hydraulics

PENTHER, JOHANN FRIEDRICH. Erster Theil einer ausführlichen Anleitung zur Bürgerlichen Bau=Kunst enthaltend ein Lexicon Architectonicum oder Erklärungen der üblichsten Deutschen, Französischen, und Italiänischen Kunst=Wörter der Bürgerlichen Bau=Kunst, nicht minder derer schweren Lateinischen Vitruvianischen zu gemeldter Bau=Kunst gehörigen Wörter entworffen von Johann Friedrich Penther, Königl. Groϐbritannischen Rath, Professore auf der Georg-August-Universität und Ober=Bau=Inspectore. Dritte Auflage.

Encyclopedia of Architecture

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