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Caesarius, Johannes. DIALECTICA... Nunc Recens Hermani Raiiani Vuelsdalij Fructuosis Scholiis Illustrata, & in Multis Locis Emendata. Accessit Huic Joanni Murmelii Isagoge in Decim Aristotelis Praedicamenta.

Dialectica, a Schoolbook

Valerius Maximus. DE' DETTI, ET FATTI NOTABILI DE ROMANI... Tradotto da M. Giorgio Dati... Con Due Tavola...

Memorable Deeds and Sayings

Isocrates. TUTTE LE ORATIONI D'ISOCRATE Orator Atheniense; Tradotta in Lingua Italiana da M. Pietro Carrario...


All the Prayers of Isocrates

Sannazaro, Jacopo. OPERA OMNIA. Quorum Indicem Sequens Pagella Continer...

Latin Poetry of Sannazaro

Capelloni, Lorenzo. RAGIONAMENTI VARII. Sopra Essempii: Con Accidenti Misti, Seguiti, et Occorsi, Non Mai Veduti in Luce...

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Carlo, Stefano (or, Carli, Stephanus). ORATORIUM ARTIFICIUM A' STEPHANO CAROLO [sic] TRIBUS DEMOSTHENIS OLYNTHRACIS Orationibus Convertendis; & Conscripto Argumento, ac tum Argumentationibus Excerptis Illustrandis Demostratum.

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Aphorisms from Cicero’s Correspondence


Life of Sallust

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Nicely Ruled Uncommon Edition of Pindarus

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Law of Inheritance, the Paris Edition

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Influential Political Science Text

Bembo, Pietro. RIME DI MONSIGNOR P. BEMBO. Novamente Reviste & con Somma Diligentia Ristampate.

Bembo’s Famous Rime

Hesiod. HESIODUS GRAECO-LATINUS cum Schematismis, Artificium Inventionis, Dispositionis & Elocutionis Continentibus... Authore Georgio Henischio...

Hesiod with Marginalia

Estienne, Henri. NIZOLIODIDASCALUS, Sive, Monitor Ciceronianorum Nizolianorum, Dialogus Henrici Stephani...

Estienne Imprint Attacking an Author

La Primaudaye, Pierre de. SUITE DE L'ACADEMIE FRANCOISE. En Laquelle Il Est Traite de l'Homme, & Comme par une Histoire Naturelle du Corps & de l'Ame...

On the Philosophy of Man

Floccus, Andrea Domenico. IL FENESTELLA [pseud.] D'I SACERDOTI, E D'I MAGISTRATI, ROMANI. Tradotto Di Latino alla Lingua Toscana, al Magnifico M. Angelo Motta [see description].

Administration of Rome

Floccus, Andrea Dominico. L. FENESTELLAE [pseud.]. DE MAGISTRATIBUS SACER-DOTIISQ[UE] ROMANUM LIBELLUS, Iam Primum Nitori Restitutis. Pomponii Laeti... de Magistratibus & Sacerdotiis... Valerii Probi Gram[matici] de Literis Antiq[uis] Opusculum.

Famous Cat and Mouse Woodcut Device

Alamanni, Luigi. LA COLTIVATIONE.

On Agricultural Cultivation

Florimonte, Galeazzo. REGIONAMENTI... SOPRA L'ETHICA D'ARISTOTILE... Riveduti et Corretti dal Proprio Autore...

On Aristotle’s Ethica

Avila y Zuniga, Luis de. Warhafftige beschreibung des Teutschen kriegs...

Ugly But Rare War Report

Feucht, Jakob. Neun und dreissig Catholische Predigen. Zu underschidlichen zeiten und von mancherley Materien vormalen verfertiget und in Druck aussgangen. Nun aber widerumb überlesen und also in einen Tomum gebracht. Durch D. Jacobum Feuchtium &c. Sampt einem OffentlichenWiderruff zwener geborner Juden jhres Judischen Unglaubens und Bekantnuss des Christlichen Catholischen Glaubens. Den Inhalt jeder Predigen / wirdt der Gunstig lefer jenseits diss Blats finden. Saluo in omnibus S.S. Apostolicae Sedis Iudicio

Renouncing the Jewish Faith

Schrader, Lorenz (1530-1606). Monumentorum Italiae, Quæ hoc nostro sæculo & à Christianis posita sunt, libri quatuo. Editi â Laurentio Schradero Halberstadien Saxone

Tombstone & Monument Inscriptions of Italy

Aelianus, Claudius. ...VARIA HISTORIA [Title in Greek & Latin] cum Notis Integris Conradi Gesneri, Johannis Schefferi, Tanquilli Fabri, Joachimi Kuhnii, Jacobi Perizonii. & Interpretatione Latina Justi Vulteji, Innumeris in Locis Emendata. Curante Abrahamo Gronovio...

Greek Biographical Sketches

Aesop. ...FABULARUM AESOPIARUM, LIBRI V. Notis Illustravit in Usum Serenissimi Principis Nasauii David Hoogstratanus. Accedunt Ejusdem Opera Duo Indices...

Aesop Profusely Illustrated with Fine Engravings

Campbell, John. MEMOIRS OF THE LIVES AND CONDUCT OF THOSE ILLUSTRIOUS HEROES PRINCE EUGENE OF SAVOY, AND JOHN DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH... Likewise... the Duke of Argyle, the Earl of Stair, the Lord Cobham, the Earl of Cadogan. And Many Other Generals Both English and Foreign...

History of the Wars of Europe

Cary, Robert (Earl of Monmouth). MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF ROBERT CARY, BARON OF LEPPINGTON, AND EARL OF MONMOUTH. Written by Himself, and Now Published from an Original Manuscript in the Custody of John Earl of Corke and Orrery. With Some Explanatory Notes.

Frontispiece of Elizabeth I in Royal Procession

Craufurd, Thomas. NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS ON MR. GEORGE BUCHANAN'S HISTORY OF SCOTLAND: Wherein the Difficult Passages of It Are Explain'd, the Chronology in Many Places Rectified, and an Account Is Given of the Genealogies of the Most Considerable Families of Scotland...

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Dwight, Timothy. GREENFIELD HILL: A Poem in Seven Parts. I. The Prospect... VII. The Vision, or Prospect of the Future Happiness of America.

Early American Poetry

Fielding, Henry. THE TEMPLE BEAU. A Comedy. As It Is Acted at the Theatre in Goodman's-Fields.

Fielding’s Naughty Comedy

Jackson, William. THIRTY LETTERS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. The Third Edition, with Considerable Additions.

Inscribed From the Author

King, William. AN ESSAY ON THE ORIGIN OF EVIL. Translated from the Latin [by Edmund Law] with Large Notes; Tending to Explain and Vindicate Some of the Author's Principles Against the Objections of Bayle, Leibnitz... and Others. To Which Is Prefix'd a Dissertation Concerning the Fundamental Principle and Immediate Criterion of Virtue. As Also, the Obligation to, and Approbation of it. With Some Account of the Passions and Affections.

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Le Sage, Alain Rene. GIL BLAS DI SANTILLANO, Storia Galante, Tratta dall' Idioma Francese Nell' Italiano dal Dottor D. Giulio Monti... Edizione Seconda.

Adventures of Gil Blas

Longinus. THE WORKS OF DIONYSIUS LONGINUS, ON THE SUBLIME: or, a Treatise Concerning the Sovereign Perfection of Writing. Translated from the Greek. With Some Remarks on the English Poets. By Mr. [Leonard] Welsted.

Treatise of Literary Criticism

Nieupoort, Georg Heinrich. RITUM, QUI OLIM APUD ROMANOS OBTINVERUNT, Succincta Explicatio; ad Intelligentiam Veterum Auctorum Facili Methodo Conscripta. Editio Nova Auctior et Emandatior et Recensione Gul. Ottonis et Jo. Fred. Reitzii.

With an Added Engraved Title

Nieupoort, Willem H.. RITUUM, QUI OLIM APUD ROMANOS Obtinuerunt, Succincta Explicatio... Editio Sexta...

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