16th Century Elucidating Latin Terms

Goulart, Simon. MORUM PHILOSOPHIA HISTORICA; Ex Probatis Scriptoribus Collecta, Juxta Alphabeti Seriems... Nunc Primum Edita... Index.

Geneva: Jacobus Stoer, 1594. 8vo. (12),491,(25)pp. Double column text. Indices. Title within an elaborate woodcut border and with a woodcut publisher’s device. Early 17th c. vellum, hand lettered spine. In recent times a second work (as indicated on spine and which was of similar length) was removed from this binding, but to maintain its integrity, blank leaves now fill in the space at back. Goulart’s (1543–1628) collection of excerpts from classical and contemporary writers which he uses to elucidate alphabetically arranged Latin terms. Adams G909.


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Stock Code: 1370B16 Collection:


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