First Extensive Etymology of English Words

Skinner, Stephen. ETYMOLOGICAN LINGUAE ANGLICANAE, Seu Explicatio Vocum Anglicarum Etymologica Ex Propriis Fontibus... Ex Linguis Duodecim... Accedit Etymologicon Botanicum... Accedit and Tertio Vocum Forensium... Quarto Adjectae Sunt Originationes Omnium Vocum... Tandem Ultimo Etymologicon... Omnia Alphabetico Ordine in Quinque Distinctas Classes Digesta.

London: Typis T. Roycroft… apud H. Brome…, 1671. Folio. ff.(406). With the imprimatur leaf dated Sept. 7, 1668, as in all copies. Each of the words to be defined is printed in gothic type. Rebound in 20th c. full plain brown calf. Engraved armorial bookplate of J. A. Picton, an antiquary and architect, on front pastedown. Minor worming in the bottom blank margin of first hundred leaves. At the bottom outer corner of the title page in a contemporary hand is a manuscript note giving the price 1 pound, 5 shillings, 0 pence by way of subscription.” This note I believe provides some new information that was not previously known, that this title was published by subscription. The first important study on the etymology of English words. Wing S3947.


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