Laws of Betrothal & Marriage

Rohrburg, Matthaeus. I.N.D.N.J.C. Disputatio Juridica De deteriore foeminarum conditione in matrimonio contrahendo, Quam dei gratia & magnifici JCtorum Ordinis in Academia Lipsiensi indultu præside Viro Nobilissimo, Consultissimo & Excellentissimo Dn. Romano Tellero, J.U.D. Hereditario in Bräunßdorff & Ritzscher / Scabinatus Electoralis Saxonici Assessore gravissimo, Domino Præceptore ac Patrono suo æternum venerando P.P. H.L.Q.C. Matthæus Rohrberg, Lubena Lusat. Not. P.C. Autor & Respond. d. XVI. MArtii MDCLXXXII. Editio Secunda.

Lipsiæ [Leipzig]: Literis Joh. Christophori Brandenburgeri, Anno MDCCI [1701]. In Latin. 4to. 195 x 163 mm (7.75 x 6.5 in.) [12] ll. Woodcut initial. Old water stain on lower portion of leafs. Bound in modern Italian marbled paper, Second edition of a legal disputation on the laws of betrothal and marriage. Focuses specifically on the rights (or lack thereof) of women with numerous comparisons drawn between daughters and sons. The author also discusses what is permissible under various circumstances, such as what happens to an arranged marriage if the father of the promised daughter/son dies. Two locations in the US reported by OCLC. VD18 15172120


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