With Sea Monster Woodcut

Pareus, Johann Philipp. LEXICON PLAUTINUM. In Quo Velut Thesauro Antiquae Linguae Romanae Elegantiae, Quotquot Exstant in Latinorum Comicorum Principe M. Accio Plauto Sarsinate, Accuratum Eruuntur, and Explicantur... Editio Secunda Emendatior and Auctior.

Hanover: Impensis Estherae Rosae, Excudebat David Aubrius, 1634. (16),568pp. Double column text. Large woodcut device on title. Cont. vellum, soiled and worn, hand lettered spine. Title page foxed. Occasional light browning.


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Stock Code: 1371B17 Collection:


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