Month of January

Sagittarius, Paul Martin. Q.D.B.V. Dissertatio historico-philologica De calendis Januariis, Quam deo feliciter annuente, præside Viro Præclarissimo Dn. M. Heinrico Baumanno Ampliss. Facultatis Philosoph. Adjuncto meritissimo, Dn. Præceptore ac Fautore suo omni observatiæ cultu prosequendo, Publico [symphilologuntōn] examini subjicit Paulus Martinus Sagittarius, Jenensis Thuringus. In auditorio majori, Ad d. [...] Januar. Anno M.DC.LXVI. Horis Matutin.

Wittebergæ [Wittenberg]: Literis Matthæi Henckelii, Acad. Typogr., Anno M.DC.LXX. [1670] In Latin and Greek. 191 x 158 mm (7.5 x 6.25 in.). 4to. [32] pp. Spotting, some softening, and ink offset to some leaves. Bound in modern Italian marbled wrappers. Second edition of a dissertation dedicated to discussing the month of January as the start of the Roman new year, and associated customs and observances from festivities of classical Roman society to the fasting of Christians in the 17th century. VD17 12:138793Y


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