Novelty Performer

Bischoff, Harry. Harry Bischoff Novelty Juggler and Cortortionist [sic] Presenting a Refined, Up-To-Date, Clever Gymnastic Act at Liberty for Engagements. Circus, Vaudeville, Parks, Fairs.

Sheboygan, Wisconsin; February 13, 1914. 215 by 220mm (8 12 by 8 34 inches). Letterhead with image of Bischoff on top left. Previously folded; ink fading.
Bischoff (1893–1973) writes to Kelly Bros. Circus that he accepted another engagement, but:
P.S. I do two acts, assist in concert and clown numbers. For future remembrance.”
Per Billboard magazine in 1912 Bischoff worked for George W. Hall’s Trained Wild Animal Show at Evansville, Wisconsin; he performed in 1915 with Seibel Bros. and Gollmar Bros; and, in 1917 he placed a classified advertisement selling nickel plated hoops fine for frog-snake act”.


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