On Gift Exchange & Diplomacy

Oesinger, Johann Friedrich. J.N.D. N.J.C. Disputatio inauguralis Juridica De Xeniis, Quam deo triuno præside, Ex Decreto & Autoritate Magnifici & Amplissimi, in Celeberrimâ Argentoratensium Universitate, JCtorum Collegii, Pro summis in utroque Jure Honoribus ac Privilegiis Doctoralibus legitimè consequendis, Solenni Doctorum examini sisten Joh: Fridericus Oesinger, Argent. Notarius Juratus Publicus. Ad diem [28] Juanuarij M DC LXXXIV.

Argentorati [Strassburg]: Literis Stædelianis, [1684]. In Latin and German. 4to. 180 x 151 mm (7.25 x 6 in.). [4], 24 pp. Woodcut initials. Ink annotations to title page. Bound in modern Italian marbled paper. Legal disputation on gift exchange and hospitality, especially with regard to diplomacy and government of distant provinces. OCLC reports no locations outside of Europe. VD17 12:143176G


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Stock Code: 1490A17 Collection: Catalogue:


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