Strong Anti-Semitic Content

Theroweldus, Innocentius Ludolphus. Innocentii Ludolphi Theroweldi, JCti Christiani, Disquisitio joco-seria, Quid sit Judæus in plebe? Nomirum, Quod caper in horto. Judæi nobis illam retributionem impendunt, quam juxta vulgare proverbium Mus in pera, Serpens in gremio & Ignis in sinu suis consueverunt hospitibus exhibere, Pontifex Innocentius III. in Cap. etsi Judæos X. de Judæis.

Christianoburgi: [publisher not identified], MDCCXII [1712]. In Latin. 176 × 144 mm (7 × 5.75 in.). 4to. 16 pp.

Minor insect damage to gutter of first two leaves not affecting text. Several pages lightly wrinkled. Bound in modern Italian marbled wrappers in green, black, and gold.

A rare tract espousing strong anti-semitic content accusing Jewish people of being a poisonous element in society. The work is written to resemble the academic dissertations and disputations that were circulated at that time and is organized into several theses with numerous citations throughout. The imprint is fictitious and a pseudonym is used for the author’s name. The title refers to an old German saying (appointing a goat to be a gardener) warning against appointing someone to look after something which they have a motivation to destroy. The goat motif was also commonly used to symbolize the Devil, blasphemers, and others perceived to be opposed to Christianity. OCLC lists only four locations, all in Europe; none in the UK or US.

Not in VD18.

[Bound with:]

Ruoff, Johann. Mentis & sententiæ VVigelii et complicum de S. Scriptura falso conceptæ, plana detectio atque destructio: Orthodoxorum vero de eadem solida vindicatio et assertio. Hox est, Pia, brevis & ex verbo Dei deducta demonstratio, Wigelium & Wigelio-manitas Scripturæ S. sensum literalem tollere, eandemq[ue] sua Perfectione, Autoritate ac Efficaciâ, quantum in ipsis est, privare; cum firma horum deliriorum regutatione, nostrorumq[ue] fundamentorum confirmatione. Cuius subjectas theses, Præside, Reverendo admodum & Dignissimo Viro, Dn. Luca Osiandro, S.S. Theologiæ Doctore, et professore, academiæ Tubingensis cancellario, et ecclesiæ præposito, Dn. Præceptore, PAtrono ac fautore suo ætatem honorando, Publice discutiendas proponit, M. Iohannes Ruoff Memmingensis, Die 27. & 28. Februarij, horis & loco solitis.

Tubingæ [Tubingen]: Typis Theodorici Werline, Anno M.DC.XXIV. [1624]. In Latin. [2], 48 [i.e. 46] pp. Final page misnumbered 48. Woodcut initials.

A rare tract offering a highly detailed argument against Weigelian teachings as absurd and false interpretations of religious scripture. Weigelians were followers of Valentine Weigel, the Christian mystic who kept his heretical beliefs mostly secret during his lifetime, but left numerous writings circulated more widely after his death in 1588. Only two locations in OCLC, both in Germany.

VD17 12:179974W


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Stock Code: 1502A18 Collection: Catalogue:


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