The Great Dictionary

Collier, Jeremy and Louis Moreri and others. THE GREAT HISTORICAL, GEOGRAPHICAL, GENEALOGICAL AND POETICAL DICTIONARY; Being a Curious Miscellany of Sacred and Prophane History. Collected from the Best Historians, Chronologers, and Lexicographers; as Calvisius, Helvicus, Isaacson... and Others: But More Especially Out of Lewis Morery... Corrected and Enlarged by Monsieur Le Clerc; In Two Volumes in Folio. The Second Edition, Revised, Corrected and Enlarged to the Year 1688; by Jer. Collier.

London: Printed for Henry Rhodes… Elizabeth Harris et al, 1701. Folio (15–1/2″ x 10″). 2 vols. Unpaginated. Double column text. Title-pages printed in red and black. The 2 vols. somewhat uniformly bound in 18th c. 12 calf (rubbed) over marbled boards, red calf spine labels, front hinge of Vol. I cracked but holding. Vol. I lacks the frontis. and has worming at the top inner margin of the title (extending into the ruled border) and the following few leaves, but text is unaffected. Supplement Hereto Available as Separate Item.


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Stock Code: 1364B18 Collection:


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