King, William. AN ESSAY ON THE ORIGIN OF EVIL. Translated from the Latin [by Edmund Law] with Large Notes; Tending to Explain and Vindicate Some of the Author's Principles Against the Objections of Bayle, Leibnitz... and Others. To Which Is Prefix'd a Dissertation Concerning the Fundamental Principle and Immediate Criterion of Virtue. As Also, the Obligation to, and Approbation of it. With Some Account of the Passions and Affections.
Dauxion Lavaysse, Jean J.. A STATISTICAL, COMMERCIAL, AND POLITICAL DESCRIPTION OF VENEZUELA, TRINIDAD, MARGARITA, AND TOBAGO: Containing Various Anecdotes and Observations, Illustrative of the Past and Present State of These Countries; from the French of M. Lavaysse: With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes, by the Editor [E. Blasquiere].