17th Century Medical Beliefs, Practices, and Treatments

Riviere, Lazare. ARCANA... Cum Institutionibus Medicis, & Regulis, Consultationibus, & Observationibus, P.F. Bernardini Christini a Juvellina... de Febre Pestilentiali... et Astrologicus ad Medicinam Pertinens.

Venice: Joannes La Nou, 1696. 4to. (16),476pp. Nicely bound in 20th century brown calf over marbled boards. Old faded water stain to the final 50 pages. Edited and much expandedafter Rivière’s death by one of his students, Bernardino Christini. The section on astrological medicine is noteworthy. Rivière (d. 1655) was an important French professor of medicine. NLM, 17th Century #2901 (under the editor, B. Cristini). Wellcome Med. Cat. IV, p. 535 (the 1676 ed.). See Garrison-Morton #2727 (Rivière’s OPERA MEDICA UNIVERSA).


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