Encyclopedia of Architecture

PENTHER, JOHANN FRIEDRICH. Erster Theil einer ausführlichen Anleitung zur Bürgerlichen Bau=Kunst enthaltend ein Lexicon Architectonicum oder Erklärungen der üblichsten Deutschen, Französischen, und Italiänischen Kunst=Wörter der Bürgerlichen Bau=Kunst, nicht minder derer schweren Lateinischen Vitruvianischen zu gemeldter Bau=Kunst gehörigen Wörter entworffen von Johann Friedrich Penther, Königl. Groϐbritannischen Rath, Professore auf der Georg-August-Universität und Ober=Bau=Inspectore. Dritte Auflage.

Augsburg: bey Johann Andreas Pfeffel, Kunstverleger, druckts Johann Jacob Lotter, 1775. In German. Folio. 4 volumes: vols. 1 and 2 third edition, vols. 3 and 4 second edition. A cohesive set with all bindings matching.

Volume I

[8] p.l., 164, [4], [1 – blank] pp. 345 × 215 mm. (13.5 × 8.5 in.) Engraved double-page frontispiece, 3 large engraved headpieces, 1 large woodcut headpiece, 30 engraved plates (one of which is a double-page.) Very good. Contemporary calf, blind fillet around sides, boards lightly rubbed, spine ornately gilt in 7 compartments, red edges, paste paper endpapers, ownership stamp of Antonin Baum” (crossed out with blue pencil) on frontispiece and title page, occasional underlining in red pencil, occasional faint foxing.

Together with a laid in typewritten transcription of the title page. Per discussion with Ron Polívka, this typewritten page is by Milos Polívka.

Volume II

Zweyter Theil der ausführlichen Anleitung zur Bürgerlichen Bau=Kunst, worinn durch zwanzig Beyspiele gewiesen, wie die Erfindungen von allerhand Wohn=Gebäuden aus Stein und Holz / nach willführlichen und nach eingeschrenckten Maasen, regulaire und irregulaire, schmale und breite, (und diese ansehnlich mit weinigen Kosten) und dann mit Risaliten und mit Flügeln heraus zu bringen und Hauptrisse davon zu machen; Ferner wie die Grundrisse und Ausrisse und zwar letzere orthographisch und perspectivisch, und die Durchschnitte entweder mit den Seiten des Gebäudes paralle oder überecks, oder perspectivisch entworffen und mit Tusche oder mit Farben deutlich und zierlich ausgearbeitet werden sollen; Zulezt wie nach gemachten Vorrissen ein Gebäude würklich auszufürhren sey. Alles jedoch noch ohne Säulen=Ordnungen entworffen von Joh. Fried. Penther, k.G.R.u.P.z.G.

Augsburg: Verlegts Johann Andreas Pfeffels seel, Wittib, gedruckt bey Johann Jacob Lotter, 1779. In German. [13] p.l., 182, [13], [3 – blank] pp. 345 × 215 mm. (13.5 × 8.5 in.) Engraved frontispiece, 1 large engraved headpiece, 2 large woodcut headpieces, one woodcut tailpiece, 70 engraved plates (two of which are double-page.) Very good. Contemporary calf, blind fillet around sides, boards lightly rubbed, spine ornately gilt in 7 compartments, red edges, paste paper endpapers, ownership stamp of Antonin Baum” (crossed out with blue pencil) on title page, occasional faint foxing, marginal damp staining to a few of the preliminary leaves (not affecting text), occasional underlining in red pencil.

Volume III

Dritter Theil der ausführlichen Anweisung zur Bürgerlichen Bau=Kunst, worinn von richtiger Kennung, genauer Einsicht, leichter Zeichnung, und endlich von sicherer Anwendung der Säulen=Ordnungen, und ihren Bey=Stücken, gehandelt wird. Welches alles auf alte Architectonische Monumenta gegründet, und aus der bewerthesten Schrifftsteller Entwürffen mit besonderm Fleiß und Mühe ausgezogen, und in Eins gebracht; auch mit vielen Vortheilen, sowohl wegen Zeichnung, als Ausarbeitung des Säulenwercks versehen von Joh. Fried. Penther, k.R. und P.

Augsburg: Verlegts Johann Andreas Pfeffel, weil. kayserl. hof=kupferstecher, gedruckt bey Johann Jacob Lotter, 1767. In German. [8] p.l., 122, [10], [2 – blank] pp. 345 × 215 mm. (13.5 × 8.5 in.) Engraved frontispiece, 2 large woodcut headpieces, 3 woodcut tailpieces, 51 engraved plates (3 of which are double page.) Good. Contemporary calf, blind fillet around sides, boards lightly rubbed, upper board with small chip, spine ornately gilt in 7 compartments, red edges, paste paper endpapers, ownership stamp of Antonin Baum” (crossed out with blue pencil) on title page, occasional faint foxing, marginal damp staining to a few of the preliminary leaves (not affecting text), wormholes going through pages [1] – 64 on lower margin (not affecting text), wormholes going through plates XLII-LI on outer margin (affecting engravings but sense still very much clear.)

Volume IV

Vierter Theil der ausführlichen Anleitung zur Bürgerlichen Bau=Kunst, worinn von publiquen weltlichen Gebäuden / als von Fürstlichen Residenz – Schlössern samt darzu gehörigen Neben=Gebäuden, bestehend in Capelle, Cantzlen, Marstall, Bibliothec, Kunst=Kammer u. von Rath=Häusern, Marckt=Plätzen, Land=Ständen=Häusern, Börsen, Wage=Häusern, Stadt=Thoren, Ehren=Pforten, Zeug=Häusern, Proviant-Häusern, Casernen, Corp-de-Garden, Pulver=Magazins, Zucht=Häusern, Opern-Häusern, Hetz=Gebäuden, Reit=Häusern und Ball-Häusern dergestalt gehandelt, daß theils von würklich aufgeführten Gebäuden gemeldter Gattungen Entwürffe und Erläuterungen mitgetheilet, theils neue Desseins davon entworffen und ihren nöthigen Eingenschaften nach durchgegangen werden, auch solchen allen eine Vorbereitung vom Ort, wo man am besten bauen kan, und von Stellung derer Gebäude nach den rechten Welt=Gegenden vorangesetzet wird von Johann Friedrich Penther.

Augsburg: zu finden bey Johann Andreas Pfeffel. Gedruckt bey Johann Jacob Lotter, 1771. In German. [7] p.l., 102, [6], [1 – blank] pp. 345 × 215 mm. (13.5 × 8.5 in.) Engraved double-page frontispiece, 1 large engraved headpiece, 2 large woodcut headpieces, 2 historiated initials, 2 woodcut tailpieces, 86 engraved plates (24 of which are double-page and 1 of which is large folding.) Very good. Contemporary calf, blind fillet around sides, boards lightly rubbed, small chips to lower board, spine ornately gilt in 7 compartments, red edges, paste paper endpapers, black ex libris stamp of Juc. Jan Polívka” on recto of 1st preliminary leaf, ownership stamp of Antonin Baum” (crossed out with blue pencil) on title page, occasional faint foxing, marginal damp staining to a few of the preliminary leaves (not affecting text), occasional underlining in red pencil.

Scarce in the United States, the third edition of volumes I & II and second edition of volumes III & IV—OCLC locates only one copy of volume IV in the Unites States, at the Smithsonian. Written by German mathematician, university professor, master builder, and architectural theorist, Johann Friedrich Penther (1693–1749) this is an important early 18th-century architectural reference work. In the foreword of Volume I, Penther writes that he took it upon himself to write these works as he wanted to be sure that students would have printed texts to refer to that would give them enough of the basics of architectural concepts so that they wouldn’t have to rely entirely on the oral knowledge dictated by their professors. He also provides an outline of his originally intended eight volumes, of which he was only able to finish four, as he died before he could complete his work.

Volume I is a lexicon of the most commonly used terms in architecture which includes the German, French and Italian words for each term. Additionally, in the case of words which originated with the 1st-century Roman architect and engineer, Marcus Vitruvius, Penther provides further explication in order to enlighten architecture students who might find Vitruvian concepts to be a bit obfuscating. With a double-page frontispiece depicting Friedrich Ludwig, Prince of Wales, to which this work is dedicated, drawn by Georg Daniel Heumann (1691–1759). The body of this work is illustrated by thirty engraved plates by the author. Although a table is provided indicating the contents of each plate, additionally, the plate numbers are printed next to their corresponding words in the lexicon.

Volume II contains detailed architectural instructions, including twenty examples of how to create all kinds of residential buildings made of stone and wood in any size and these attractively at little cost” (und diese ansehnlich mit weinigen Kosten) as well as how a building should actually be built according to the preliminary plans. This volume is illustrated by 70 engraved plates by Penther, with cross references to plate numbers provided throughout the work.

Volume III bears instructions on how to draw architectural plans for various types of columns. With 51 engraved plates illustrated by Penther.

In Volume IV, Penther describes the various positives and negatives involved in building in town versus in the country. He includes plans for famous buildings to study with beautifully drawn plates showing views, floor plans, elevations and details of the palaces in Versailles, Weissenstein, Ludwigsburg, and the city palace in Hanover; the opera houses in Berlin and Hanover; as well as town halls, market squares, and barracks. With an astonishing 86 engraved plates (24 of which are double-page and 1 of which is large folding) all drawn by Penther.

From the library of Czech archeologist, architect, and monument conservator, Antonín Baum (1830–1886) and subsequently in Jaroslav Polívka’s personal collection.

Bibliography: Poggendorff II, 399 & 400; Graesse V, 195; not in Sammlung Seemann.


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