Iranian People’s Fedai Guerrillas Collection

[A collection of six documents from the Fedai Guerrillas]

Iranian People’s Fedai Guerrillas is an Iranian guerrilla warfare organization that embraced armed resistance and violence against the Shah. The group claimed to be the sole genuine communist organization” opposed the Islamic Republic. This collection encompasses 21 A4 sized pages. Each of the six documents with the Fedai Guerrilla logo of a Kalashnikov in a raised hand over a hammer and sickle. The documents are in German and a translation of Fedai Guerilla memorandum originally in Farsi. CISNU organized the translation. All documents from 1980. Titles are as follows: Proletarier aller Länder vereinight euch. [A vibrant red and black flyer] Niederlage bei der Unterdrückung der Studenten. Sieg der revolutionären Bewegung des Volkes. (2 copies) Programm der Mindestforderungen der Guerillaorganisation Fedayin des iranischen Volkes an der Schwelle des epochalen blutigen und heldenhaften Aufstandes des iranischen Volkes. Frieden im Interesse der Werktätigen in Kurdistan. (2 copies)


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Stock Code: 1527A20 Collection:


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