Autographed Anti-Napoleon Political Text

Sainz de Alfaro y Beaumont, Isidoro. Circular que el Señor Gobernador de la Sagrada Mitra dirige a los párrocos y eclesiásticos del Arzobispado de Mexico, recordando la obediencia y fidelidad a Dios y a nuestro cautivo Rey Fernando VII.

[Mexico City]: N.p., [1810]. 200 by 150mm (7¾ by 6 inches). Later marbled wrappers; [2], 34 pp. In Spanish. Contemporary signatures at the end, presumably autographs of the author and the Mexican official, Pedro Ocon. 

Very good with lightly crinkled pages.

A violently anti-Napoleon pamphlet — for example, describing Napoleon’s emissaries as [“butchering wolves in sheep’s clothing”] (pg. 9). Issued by the acting archbishop of Mexico to persuade Mexican clergy to support King Fernando VII of Spain against Napoleon. With numerous references to the Spanish new world colonies, and mentions Nicaragua, Guatemala, and the Philippines. Not in Medina’s La Imprenta en México.

OCLC lists 8 copies in the United States under #20006517, primarily on the West Coast and Texas. On the East Coast, only at the University of Pennsylvania. Per Rarebookhub, this pamphlet last at auction in 2007. 


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