Walker, Charles V. ELECTROTYPE MANIPULATION: Part I Being the Theory, and Plain Instructions in the Art of Working in Metals, by Precipitating Them From Their Solutions, Through the Agency of Galvanic or Voltaic Electricity. From the Thirteenth London Edition [Part II.. Instructions in the Arts of Electro-Plating, Electro-Gilding, and Electro-Etching. From the Sixth London Edition].
[Olivier, J., abbe]. MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF SIGNOR ROZELLI, AT THE HAGUE. Giving a Particular Account of His Birth, Education, Slavery... Imprisonment in the Inquisition at Rome... Done Into English [by Daniel Defoe?], from the Second Edition of the French; and Adorn'd with Several Curious Copper Cuts.
Berlese, Laurent. MONOGRAPHIE DU GENRE CAMELLIA. Traite Complet sur Sa Culture, avec la Description et la Classification de Chaque Variete... Troisieme Edition, Revue, Corrigee and Augmentee 1st d'une Nouvelle Methode de Classification... 2nd de Plusiers Observations sur la Culture du Camellia; 3rd d'Environ 180 Descriptions de Varietes...