Delafield, John, Jr. AN INQUIRY INTO THE ORIGINS OF THE ANTIQUITIES OF AMERICA. With an Appendix, Containing Notes, and "A View of the Causes of the Superiority of the Men of the Northern Over Those of the Southern Hemisphere." By James Lakey.
Brieger, Lothar. E. M. LILIEN. Eine Kunstlerische Entwickelung um die Jahrhundertwende. Mit 226 Abildungen Nach Radierungen und Zeichnungen des Kunstlers.
Byrom, John. THE UNIVERSAL ENGLISH SHORT-HAND; or, the Way of Writing English, in the Most Easy, Concise, Regular, and Beautiful Manner, Applicable to Any Other Language, But Particularly Adjusted to Our Own. Invented by John Byrom.
Irving, Washington. THREE CHOICE SKETCHES BY GEOFFREY CRAYON, GENT. The Stout Gentleman, The Adventures of My Uncle, Horsemanship. Taken from Washington Irving's Bracebridge Hall and Tales of a Traveller.
Hole, Richard. REMARKS ON THE ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS; in Which the Origin of Sinbad's Voyages, and Other Oriental Fictions, Is Particularly Considered.
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