Garimberto, Gerolamo (or, Garimberti, Girolamo). CONCETTI DIVINISSIMI DI GIROLAMO GARIMBERTO, & D'ALTRI DEGNI AUTORI, Raccolti da Lui per Iscriuere, & Ragionar Familiarmente, di Nuovo con Somma Diligenza, & Giuditio, per Maggiore Utilita del Lettore...
Venice: Per Giovanmaria Bonello, 1551. Sm. 8vo. ff.(8),239. Lacking the final blank leaf. Title page with a large woodcut printer’s device with initials Z.M./B.V. at bottom. Cont. vellum, a bit soiled, a few minor chips, ties lacking. Some old soiling, including some discoloration to blank fore-edge of a few final leaves. A collection of aphorisms and apothegms, selected chiefly from Cicero’s correspondence.
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