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Thomson, Thomas. History of the Royal Society from its Institution to the End of the Eighteenth Century.

The Knowledge of the World

Torelli, Adolphe. American Drinks Dictionary. 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Americaines, Guide du barman et du Gourmet chic.

Time for Cocktails I

Thomas, Jerry. The Bon Vivant's Companion, or How to Mix Drinks.

Time for Cocktails II

Tom Mix Circus and Wild West. One typed and signed full-page letter from Floyd King, manager of Cole Bros. and Clyde Beatty's; dated June 30, 1935. Two blank Tom Mix letterheads (ca. 1930-1939). 215 by 280mm (8 1/2 by 11 inches). One Tom Mix envelope (ca. 1937). Three Tom Mix tickets (1934, 1935 and ca. 1920). Floyd King letter glued on card stock and browning (previously folded).

Tom Mix Collection

Two-page A4 sized signed typewritten letter dated July 30, 1965, on letterhead of Neues Deutschland Editor-in-Chief.

Who’s Who of GDR Journalism

Friedrichstadt Palast Weltstadtvariete

Post-War Berlin Variety Show

Philipp, Lenard. Über Kathodenstrahlen. [On Cathode Rays]

X‑Ray Invention


Designed by Ward Ritchie

Peck, George W. PECK'S BAD BOY AND HIS PA. With Illustrations by Gean Smith.

A Bad Boy and his Pa

[Boutet, Claude]. TRAITE DE MIGNATURE, Pour Apprendre Aisment a Peindre Sans Maistre, avec le Secret de Faire les Belles Couleurs, l'Or Bruny, and l'Or en Coquille. Quatrie'me Edition. Reveue, Corrigee and Augmentee par l'Auteur.

With Woodcut of a Pantograph


A Ramble in Germany

Hamilton, Lady Anne. SECRET HISTORY OF THE COURT OF ENGLAND, FROM THE ACCESSION OF GEORGE THE THIRD TO THE DEATH OF GEORGE THE FOURTH; Including, Among Other Important Matters, Full Particulars of the Mysterious Death of the Princess Charlotte.

Personal Details of Lady Anne’s Life

Scott, Sir Walter. GUY MANNERING; OR, THE ASTROLOGER. In Three Volumes.

The Astrologer

Fossati, Jean-Antoine-Laurent. MANUEL PRATIQUE DE PHRENOLOGIE ou Physiologie du Cerveau d'Apres les Doctrines de Gall, de Spurzheim, de Combe et des Autres Phrenologistes. 37 Portraits et 6 Figures d'Anatomie, Intercales dans le Texte.

Phrenology Portraits

Bigland, John. AN HISTORICAL DISPLAY OF THE EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL AND MORAL CAUSES ON THE CHARACTER AND CIRCUMSTANCES OF NATIONS: Including a Comparison of the Ancients and Moderns in Regard to Their Intellectual and Social State.

Comparison of the Ancients and Moderns

Ball, Isaac. AN ANALYTICAL VIEW OF THE ANIMAL ECONOMY. Calculated for the Student of Medicine, as Well as Private Gentlemen: Interspersed with Many Allegories and Moral Reflections, Drawn from the Subject, to Awaken the Mind to an Elevated Sense of the Great Author of Nature.

The Animal Economy

Walker, George. CHESS MADE EASY; Intended as a First Book. New Edition.

Handsome Little Chess Book

Taylor, Thomas (translator). POLITICAL FRAGMENTS OF ARCHYTAS, CHARONDAS, ZALEUCUS, AND OTHER ANCIENT PYTHAGOREANS, Preserved by Stobaeus; and Also, Ethical Fragments of Hierocles... Translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor.

Thomas Taylor, Translator

Helms, Ludvig Verner. PIONEERING IN THE FAR EAST, AND JOURNEYS TO CALIFORNIA IN 1849 AND TO THE WHITE SEA IN 1878. With Illustrations from Original Sketches and Photographs.

Early History of Sarawak and North Borneo

Bynaeus, Anthony. DE CALCEIS HEBRAEORUM Sive Antiquitates Hebraicae Vindicatae...

On Shoes

[Augustinian Order]. Regula beati Augustini constitutiones fratrum ordinis prædicatorum, cum aliis ut in se quenti pagina.

Printed by the Papal Printer

Camden, William. Britannia sive florentissimorum regnorum, angliae, scotiae, hiberniae, et Insularum adiacentium ex intima antiquitate. Chorographica descriptio. Autore Guilielmo Camdeno. Nunc quarto recognita, and magna accessione post Germanicam editionem adaucta.

Topographical-Historical Description of England

Campegii, Tommaso. Thomae Campegii bononiensis episcopi feltren. De coelibatu sacerdotum non abrogando.

Aldine Imprint

Cassius Dio, Lucius. Dione delle guerre de Romani. Tradotto da M. Nicolo Leoniceno et nuovamente stampato.

History of Rome and Defense of Monarchy

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