mf initials

[anonymous]. Mexico. Reprinted from 'The Saturday Review.'

Anti-American Sentiments

Günter, Herde. Über den Kampf revolutionärer Arbeitersportler gegen Faschismus und Krieg in Dresden und Umgebung 1928-1933 [The struggle of revolutionary worker athletes against fascism and war in Dresden and the surrounding area 1928-1933].


The History of Mahomet, the Great Imposter. Containing his birth and parentage - His Wives - His journey into Heaven, and the extraordinary things which he saw - His Alcoran and War, and his Death and Burial at Medina

Anti-Islamic Scottish Chapbook

Sainz de Alfaro y Beaumont, Isidoro. Circular que el Señor Gobernador de la Sagrada Mitra dirige a los párrocos y eclesiásticos del Arzobispado de Mexico, recordando la obediencia y fidelidad a Dios y a nuestro cautivo Rey Fernando VII.

Autographed Anti-Napoleon Political Text

Clemency Archive of Hans Bösenberg.

A War Criminal’s Clemency

Fergusson, David. A Select Collection of Scots Poems... Chiefly in the Broad Buchan Dialect. To Which Is Added a Collection of Scots Proverbs...

Bawdy Scottish Humor

Imhoff, Hans. Asozialistik 8: Organisationsfragen; Pyrrho.

Outlandish Performance Art

Uriarte, Ramon. La convención de 7 de diciembre de 1877. Apuntes para la historia de la cuestión de límites entre Guatemala y México.

Boundary between Guatemala and Mexico

Buffalo Bill's Wild West. Three-quarter page typewritten letter on Buffalo Bill's letterhead signed by general manager Louie E. Cooke to R.M. Harvey, the show's agent in Minneapolis; dated June 26, 1908. Buffalo Bill Tent No. 80 Circus Fans of America blank Letterhead (ca. 1956). Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Roughriders of the World blank Letterhead (date unknown).

Buffalo Bill Collection

​Scala, Arthur von (editor). Teppich-Erzeugung im Orient. Monographien von Sir George Birdwood in London, Geheimrath Dr. Wilhelm Bode in Berlin, C. Purdon Clarke in London, M. Gerspach in Paris, Sidney J.A. Churchill, M.R.A.S. in Teheran, Vincent J. Robinson in London... [Carpet Production in the Orient...]

Carpet Designs

[Chagas, João Pinheiro]. [Sammelband of 23 Pamphlets]

The First Democratic Prime Minister of Portugal

[Anonymous]. Arbeiter-Bildungsschule I. Lecture notes of an anonymous student at the Berlin Arbeiterbildungsschule, an unusual night school for the working class.

Wilhelm Liebknecht’s Worker Education School

Doorlays-Non-Stop-Revue. Tropical Express. The famous Wonder-Show from the 4 corners of the World.

We’ll Bring the World to You

[Broadhurst, J.]. A Comparative View of the Form and Character of the English Racer and Saddle-Horse. During the Last and Present Centuries. Illustrated by Eighteen Plates of Horses.

Early English Horse Racing

Mitgliedsbuch. Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund.

East German Dues Paid in the West

Peñafiel, Antonio. Nomenclatura geográfica de México. Etimologías de los nombres de lugar correspondientes á los principales idiomas que se hablan en la república.[Geographic nomenclature of Mexico. Etymologies of place names corresponding to the main languages spoken in the republic]

Etymological Study of Mexico

Grynaeus, Simon. Theses de Pleuritide.

Exceedingly Rare Pleurisy Work

Stuttgarter allgemeines Magazin

Famous Feral Child

Darwin, Charles. Über die Einrichtung zur Befruchtung Britischer und ausländischer Orchideen durch Insekten und über die günstigen Erfolge der Wechselbefruchtung. Mit Nachträgen und Verbesserungen des Verfassers aus dem Englischen übersetzt von H.G. Bronn. Mit den 34 Holzschnitten des Originals. [The Fertilization of British and Foreign Orchids by Insects.... With Addenda and Improvements by the Author, Translated from English by H.G. Bronn. With the 34 Woodcuts from the Original.]

First Edition Darwin

Hey, Richard. A Dissertation on Duelling…

First Edition on Duelling

Withering, William. A Botanical Arrangement of all the Vegetables Naturally Growing in Great Britain... According to the System of the Celebrated Linnaeus... In Two Volumes.

First Linnaean Taxonomy in English

Neues in Form und Farbe: 20 Tafeln, Männig and Werner, Plauen

1920’s Textile Design

L'Escarpolette / The Swing / La Columpio / Das Schaukelspiel

French Children’s Puzzle

von Seyffertitz, Theobald. Expeditionsleitung der Olympiamannschaft... Weisungen für den Fackelstaffellauf, für die Reise und für die ersten Stunden des Aufenthaltes in Berlin. [Expedition Leadership of the Olympic Team. Directives for the torch relay, for the trip, and for the first hours upon arriving in Berlin]

Instructions for the 1936 Olympics

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