Krieg, Dr. Martin – editor. Elektrotechnisches Echo. Illustriertes Fachorgan für die gesamten wissenschaftlichen, technischen und industriellen Interessen der Elektrotechnik. III. Jahrgang. [Electrotechnical Echo. Illustrated trade publication for the entire scientific, technical and industrial interests of electrical engineering. Third year]
Ordenanza general de aduanas marítimas y fronterizas de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, con su tarifa y vocabulario anexos, dada en virtud de las facultades otorgadas al ejecutivo de la unión por la ley de 11 de diciembre de 1884. [General Maritime and Border Customs Ordinance of the United Mexican States, with its tariff and annexed vocabulary, given by virtue of the powers granted to the executive of the union by the law of December 11, 1884]
Foulis, Henry. The History of Romish Treasons and Usurpations... Together with a Particular Account of Many Gross Corruptions and Impostures in the Church of Rome... To Which Is Prefixt a Large Preface to the Romanists. The Second Edition. Carefully Collected Out of a Great Number of Their Own Approved Authors.
Auszug aus den Untersuchungsakten der wegen des gemeinen, bestellten und Meuchelmordes zum Tode durch den Strang verutheilten Verbrecher, Johann Spetta und Maria Nowak [Excerpt from the investigative files regarding jointly planned assassinations. Johann Spetta and Maria Nowak, criminals sentenced to death by hanging].
Douglas, Herbert A. and Kasiska, William H. Three Letters from Circusiana Collectors. Two double-sided neat handwritten letters 215 by 280mm (8 1/2 by 11 inches) on Herbert A. Douglas' letterhead; dated December 28, 1944 and March 9, 1949. One single-sided typed letter 165 by 230mm (6 1/2 by 9 inches) on William H. Kasiska letterhead; dated November 25, 1935. Kasiska letter unsigned; trimmed; and previously glued into scrapbook; glue residue to text - not ideal. Two Douglas letters with fold markings.
Berchtold, Leopod von. Descrizione del Nuovo Rimedio Curativo e Preservativo Contro la Peste. Presentemento Usato con Felicissimo Successo Nello Spedale di Sant' Antonio in Smirne...distribuita gratuitamente a favore delle Nazioni...Levante, e Colla Barbaria. [Description of the New Healing Method Against the Plague. Currently Used with the Greatest Success at the St.-Antons Hospital in Smirna...]
North, Henry Ringling. Half-page typewritten letter on Barnum and Bailey letterhead signed by Joseph Mayer to G. Arnett; dated February 5, 1906. Barnum and Bailey envelope signed in pencil by F.A. Cook (ca. 1918). Short type written letter on Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey letterhead signed by Henry Ringling North to Dyer M. Reynolds; dated September 12, 1949. Interoffice Route-Map from Paul Eagles dated December 15, 1951. Blank Ringling Bros letterhead (ca. 1918) and blank Ringling Bros envelope (ca. 1910). Four blank Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey envelopes (two ca. 1935-1945; one ca. 1960; one 1980's). One blank Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey letterhead (ca. 1935-1945). Blank 1965 postcard.