Buffalo Bill's Wild West. Three-quarter page typewritten letter on Buffalo Bill's letterhead signed by general manager Louie E. Cooke to R.M. Harvey, the show's agent in Minneapolis; dated June 26, 1908. Buffalo Bill Tent No. 80 Circus Fans of America blank Letterhead (ca. 1956). Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Roughriders of the World blank Letterhead (date unknown).
Scala, Arthur von (editor). Teppich-Erzeugung im Orient. Monographien von Sir George Birdwood in London, Geheimrath Dr. Wilhelm Bode in Berlin, C. Purdon Clarke in London, M. Gerspach in Paris, Sidney J.A. Churchill, M.R.A.S. in Teheran, Vincent J. Robinson in London... [Carpet Production in the Orient...]
Darwin, Charles. Über die Einrichtung zur Befruchtung Britischer und ausländischer Orchideen durch Insekten und über die günstigen Erfolge der Wechselbefruchtung. Mit Nachträgen und Verbesserungen des Verfassers aus dem Englischen übersetzt von H.G. Bronn. Mit den 34 Holzschnitten des Originals. [The Fertilization of British and Foreign Orchids by Insects.... With Addenda and Improvements by the Author, Translated from English by H.G. Bronn. With the 34 Woodcuts from the Original.]
von Seyffertitz, Theobald. Expeditionsleitung der Olympiamannschaft... Weisungen für den Fackelstaffellauf, für die Reise und für die ersten Stunden des Aufenthaltes in Berlin. [Expedition Leadership of the Olympic Team. Directives for the torch relay, for the trip, and for the first hours upon arriving in Berlin]
Krieg, Dr. Martin – editor. Elektrotechnisches Echo. Illustriertes Fachorgan für die gesamten wissenschaftlichen, technischen und industriellen Interessen der Elektrotechnik. III. Jahrgang. [Electrotechnical Echo. Illustrated trade publication for the entire scientific, technical and industrial interests of electrical engineering. Third year]
Ordenanza general de aduanas marítimas y fronterizas de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, con su tarifa y vocabulario anexos, dada en virtud de las facultades otorgadas al ejecutivo de la unión por la ley de 11 de diciembre de 1884. [General Maritime and Border Customs Ordinance of the United Mexican States, with its tariff and annexed vocabulary, given by virtue of the powers granted to the executive of the union by the law of December 11, 1884]
Foulis, Henry. The History of Romish Treasons and Usurpations... Together with a Particular Account of Many Gross Corruptions and Impostures in the Church of Rome... To Which Is Prefixt a Large Preface to the Romanists. The Second Edition. Carefully Collected Out of a Great Number of Their Own Approved Authors.
Auszug aus den Untersuchungsakten der wegen des gemeinen, bestellten und Meuchelmordes zum Tode durch den Strang verutheilten Verbrecher, Johann Spetta und Maria Nowak [Excerpt from the investigative files regarding jointly planned assassinations. Johann Spetta and Maria Nowak, criminals sentenced to death by hanging].
Douglas, Herbert A. and Kasiska, William H. Three Letters from Circusiana Collectors. Two double-sided neat handwritten letters 215 by 280mm (8 1/2 by 11 inches) on Herbert A. Douglas' letterhead; dated December 28, 1944 and March 9, 1949. One single-sided typed letter 165 by 230mm (6 1/2 by 9 inches) on William H. Kasiska letterhead; dated November 25, 1935. Kasiska letter unsigned; trimmed; and previously glued into scrapbook; glue residue to text - not ideal. Two Douglas letters with fold markings.
Berchtold, Leopod von. Descrizione del Nuovo Rimedio Curativo e Preservativo Contro la Peste. Presentemento Usato con Felicissimo Successo Nello Spedale di Sant' Antonio in Smirne...distribuita gratuitamente a favore delle Nazioni...Levante, e Colla Barbaria. [Description of the New Healing Method Against the Plague. Currently Used with the Greatest Success at the St.-Antons Hospital in Smirna...]
North, Henry Ringling. Half-page typewritten letter on Barnum and Bailey letterhead signed by Joseph Mayer to G. Arnett; dated February 5, 1906. Barnum and Bailey envelope signed in pencil by F.A. Cook (ca. 1918). Short type written letter on Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey letterhead signed by Henry Ringling North to Dyer M. Reynolds; dated September 12, 1949. Interoffice Route-Map from Paul Eagles dated December 15, 1951. Blank Ringling Bros letterhead (ca. 1918) and blank Ringling Bros envelope (ca. 1910). Four blank Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey envelopes (two ca. 1935-1945; one ca. 1960; one 1980's). One blank Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey letterhead (ca. 1935-1945). Blank 1965 postcard.
Tom Mix Circus and Wild West. One typed and signed full-page letter from Floyd King, manager of Cole Bros. and Clyde Beatty's; dated June 30, 1935. Two blank Tom Mix letterheads (ca. 1930-1939). 215 by 280mm (8 1/2 by 11 inches). One Tom Mix envelope (ca. 1937). Three Tom Mix tickets (1934, 1935 and ca. 1920). Floyd King letter glued on card stock and browning (previously folded).
Fabri, Johannes. D. Iohannis Fabri, episcopi Viennensis, Sermones fructuosissimi, cu[n]ctis Ecclesiæ catholicæ defensoribus, ac doctrinæ eva[n]gelicæ professoribus, summopere necessarij. De Eucharista. Folio.I. Victoria contra Turcas. Fol[io]. LVI. Patientia. Fol[io]. XCIIII. Baptismo parvulorum contra Anabaptistas. Fol[io]. CXXXIII. Item, Oratio funebris in laudem D. Margaretæ, Ducissæ Austriæ, andc[etera] and co[n]scripta sunt, p[re]cede[n]tib[us] adijciunt[ua] Fo. CXLIII. and CXLVII.
Herodotus. Herodoti Halicarnassei Historiarum lib. ix, ix Musarum nominibus inscripti. Eiusdem Narratio de vita Homeri. Cum Vallæ interpret. Latina historiarum Herodoti, ab Henr. Stephano recognita. Item cum iconibus structurarum ab Herodoto descriptarum. Ctesiæ quædam de reb. Pers. and Ind. Edition secunda.
Lemnius, Levinus. Di Levino Lennio, medico Zirizeo, Della complessione del corpo humano libri due, Sommamente necessarij à tutti coloro, che studiano alla sanità: Da quali a ciascuno sarà ageuole di conoscere perfettamente la qualità del corpo suo, e i mouimenti dell'animo, and il modo del conseruarsi del tutto sano. Nuouamente di Latino in Volgare...
Mark the Hermit. Sancti Patris nostri Marci Eremitæ Opuscula qu[a]edam Theologica, qu[a]e in Bibliotheca regia reperta sunt, græcè scripta: Nunc primùm Latino sermoni tradita, per Ioannem Picum, Classium inquisitoriarum in Senatu Parisiensi Præsidem. Cum aliis quibusdam, quorum elenchum habes pagina Epistolam sequente.
Heindel, Robert. [Original cover illustration art for SIGNET publication of Ayn Rand's Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal. New York: Signet, [early 1960's].] 500 by 380mm (19¾ by 15 inches). Illustration board. Image is approx. 240 by 200mm (9½ by 8 inches). This is the original acrylic painted cover illustration art (not a print or reproduction) by Robert Heindel for Ayn Rand's book Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, used by publisher SIGNET for its widely popular paperback series. Offered together with a matching SIGNET paperback copy.
Heindel, Robert. [Original cover illustration art for SIGNET publication of Ayn Rand's For the New Intellectual. New York: Signet, [early 1960's].] 500 by 380mm (19¾ by 15 inches). Illustration board. Image is approx. 240 by 200mm (9½ by 8 inches). This is the original acrylic painted cover illustration art (not a print or reproduction) by Robert Heindel for Ayn Rand's novel For the New Intellectual, used by publisher SIGNET for its widely popular paperback series. Offered together with a matching SIGNET paperback copy.
Walker, Charles V. ELECTROTYPE MANIPULATION: Part I Being the Theory, and Plain Instructions in the Art of Working in Metals, by Precipitating Them From Their Solutions, Through the Agency of Galvanic or Voltaic Electricity. From the Thirteenth London Edition [Part II.. Instructions in the Arts of Electro-Plating, Electro-Gilding, and Electro-Etching. From the Sixth London Edition].
[Olivier, J., abbe]. MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF SIGNOR ROZELLI, AT THE HAGUE. Giving a Particular Account of His Birth, Education, Slavery... Imprisonment in the Inquisition at Rome... Done Into English [by Daniel Defoe?], from the Second Edition of the French; and Adorn'd with Several Curious Copper Cuts.
Berlese, Laurent. MONOGRAPHIE DU GENRE CAMELLIA. Traite Complet sur Sa Culture, avec la Description et la Classification de Chaque Variete... Troisieme Edition, Revue, Corrigee and Augmentee 1st d'une Nouvelle Methode de Classification... 2nd de Plusiers Observations sur la Culture du Camellia; 3rd d'Environ 180 Descriptions de Varietes...
Millin, Aubin Louis. ELEMENS D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE, Ouvrage Couronne par le Jury des Livres Elementaires... pour les Ecoles Nationales. Troisieme Edition, Revue et Corrigee... Depuis la Premiere Publication de l'Ouvrage, et Considerablement Augmentee; Enrichie de 22 Planches Contenant Plus de 600 Figures.
Grunert, Oskar E. BRENNENDE MENSCHEN. Ein Beitrag zur Bekämpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten. Schauspiel in 2 Akten und einem Vorspiel in Versen. Die Schaubühne im Dienste der hygienischen Volksbelehrung! [Itchy People. A contribution to the fight against venereal diseases. Play in 2 acts and a prelude in verse. The stage in the service of public hygiene instruction!].>
Collier, Jeremy and Louis Moreri and others. THE GREAT HISTORICAL, GEOGRAPHICAL, GENEALOGICAL AND POETICAL DICTIONARY; Being a Curious Miscellany of Sacred and Prophane History. Collected from the Best Historians, Chronologers, and Lexicographers; as Calvisius, Helvicus, Isaacson... and Others: But More Especially Out of Lewis Morery... Corrected and Enlarged by Monsieur Le Clerc; In Two Volumes in Folio. The Second Edition, Revised, Corrected and Enlarged to the Year 1688; by Jer. Collier.
[Chaudon, Louis Mayeul]. DICTIONNAIRE ANTI-PHILOSOPHIQUE, Pour Servir de Commentaire and de Correctif au Dictionnaire Philosophique, and Autre Livres, Qui Ont Paru de Nos Jours Contre le Christianisme: Ouvrage dan Lequel on Donne en Abrege les Preuves de la Religion, and la Reponse aux Objections de Ses Adversaires...
Skinner, Stephen. ETYMOLOGICAN LINGUAE ANGLICANAE, Seu Explicatio Vocum Anglicarum Etymologica Ex Propriis Fontibus... Ex Linguis Duodecim... Accedit Etymologicon Botanicum... Accedit and Tertio Vocum Forensium... Quarto Adjectae Sunt Originationes Omnium Vocum... Tandem Ultimo Etymologicon... Omnia Alphabetico Ordine in Quinque Distinctas Classes Digesta.
GEDENKBLATT ANLÄSSLICH DER VOLLENDUNG DES "ROBERT BLUM HOFES" WIEN XX, VORGARTENSTRASSE-ENGERTHSTRASSE ERBAUT IN DEN JAHREN 1923/1924 VON DER GEMEINDE WIEN AUS DEN ERTRÄGNISSEN DER WOHNBAUSTEUER UNTER DEN BÜRGERMEISTERN JAKOB REUMANN UND KARL SEITZ. [Commemorative album on the completion of the "Robert Blum Hof" Vienna XX, Vorgartenstrasse-Engerthstrasse built in 1923/1924 by the city of Vienna from the proceeds of the housing tax under the mayors Jakob Reumann and Karl Seitz].
PHOTOGRAPHIES PRISES DE L'OCCASION DE LA CÉRÉMONIE DE LA REMISE DE TRACTEURS AGRICOLES, DE PARCELETS ET DE PLANTS DE MANIOC AUX REFUGIÉS DE GUERRE AUX CENTRES D'ACCUEIL DE LONG-HAI ET PHUOC-DIEN. Tay-Ninh- 18.7.72. – Respectement offert á Mr G. Sicotte Chef de la Mission U.N.H.C.R. [Photographs taken on the occasion of the Ceremony of the handing over of agricultural tractors, parcels and cassava plants to war refugees at the reception centers of Long-Hai and Phuoc-Dien. Tay-Ninh- 18.7.72. – Respectly offered to Mr. G. Sicotte Head of Mission U.N.H.C.R.].
Kommandeur [Commander of the Combat Groups of the Working Class]. ZUR ERINNERUNG AN DIE NAMENSVERLEIHUNG DES ANTIFASCHISTEN KURT WALTHER AN DIE KAMPFGRUPPENEINHEIT DES BEREICHES BEUTZEN IM VEB BKK REGIS. [In memory of renaming the Combat Groups of the Working Class at Deutzen in the government's coal strip mine operation Regis "Anti-Fascist Kurt Walther".]
Averoult, Antoine D'. Flores exemplorum, sive Catechismus historialis, auctore R.P. Antonio Dauroultio, Societ. Iesu Sacerdote, opus summa fide, diligentia et multorum annorum studio, ex quingentis quinquaginta amplus probæ notæ scriptoribus, tum sacrus, tum profanis collectum. In quo fides catholica miraculis pæne innumeris, et exemplis anctorum, imperatorum, Regum, Principum, Virorum Illustrium probatissimis confirmatur: annotatis ubique suis Auctoribus & locis. Adiectis tribus accuratissimis indicibus, Auctorum, Capitum, & Rerum. Tomis IV.
Galatino, Pietro. Petri Galatini De arcanis Catholicæ veritatis, libri XII. Quibus pleraque religionis christianæ capita contra Iudæos, tam ex Scripturis veteris Testamenti authenticis, quàm ex Talmudicorum commentariis, confirmare & illustrare conatus est. Item, Iohannis Reuchlini Phorcensis, de Cabala, seu de symbolica receptione, Dialogus tribus libris absolutus. Edition novissima mendis innumeris expurgata multis modis emendata, & variè, prout postrema id uberius declarabit Præfatio, exornata. Cum duobus indicibus locupletissimiss.
Garcia, Franceso. Istoria Della Conuersione alla nostra Santa Fede dell’Isole Mariane, dette prima de’Ladroni, Nella Vita, Predicatione, e morte gloriosa per Christo del venerabile P. Diego Luigi di Sanvitores, E d’altri suoi Compagni della Compagnia di Giesu. Scritta nell’ idioma Catigliano dal P. Francesco Garzia, E tradotta nell’Italiano con l’accrescimento di notitie dal padre Ambrosio Ortiz Della medesima Compagnia.
Goüye, Thomas. Observations physiques et mathematiques pour servir à l’histoire naturelle & à la perfection de l’Astronomie & de la geographie: envoyées de Siam à l’Academie Royale des Sciences à Paris, par les Peres Jesuites françois qui vont à la Chine en qualité de mathematiciens du Roy: avec les reflexions de messieurs de l'Académie, & quelques notes de P. Goüye, de la Compagnie de Jésus. [Physical and mathematical observations to serve natural history & the perfection of astronomy & geography: sent from Siam to the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris, by the French Jesuit Fathers who go to China as the King’s mathematicians… ]
Justinianus I. Corpus juris civilis, pandectis Ad Florentinum archetypum expressis, Institutionibus, codice ey novellis, Addito textu Græco, ut & in Digestis & Codice, Legibus & Constitutionibus Græcis, cum optimis quibusque Editionibus collatis. Cum notis integris, repititæ quintum prælectionis, Dionysii Gothofredi, JC. Præter Justiniani edicta, Leonis & aliorum imperatorum novellas, Ac Canones Apostolorum, Græcè & Latinè, Feudorum Libros, Leges XII. Tabul. & alios ad jus pertinentes Tractatus, Fastos Consulares, Indicesque Titulorum ac Legum: & quæcunque in ultimis Parisiensi vel Lugdunensi editionibus continentur, Huic editioni novè accesserunt Pauli receptæ Sententiæ cum selectis notis J. Cujacii Et sparsim ad universum Corpus Anotnii Anselmo, A.F.A.N. JC. Antvverp. Observationes singulares, Remissiones & Notæ Juris Civilis, Canonici, & Novissimi ac in Praxi recepti differentiam continentes; Denique, Lectiones variæ & Notæ selectæ Augustini, Bellonii, Govenni, Cujacii, Duareni, Russardi, Hottomanni, Contii, Roberti, Rævardi, Charondæ, Grotii, Salmasii & aliorum. Opera & Studio Simonis van Leeuwen, JC. Lugd. Bat.
Kellett, Edward. Miscellanies of divinitie Divided into three books, Wherein is explained at large the estate of the Soul in her origination, separation, particular judgement, and conduct to eternal blisse or torment. By Edvvard Kellet Doctour in Divinitie, and one of the Canons of the Cathedrall Church of Exon.
Lugo, Johannes. R.P. Ioannis de Lugo Hispalensis, e societate Iesu, in collegio romano eiusdem Societatis olim Theologiæ Professoris, nunc S.R.E. Cardinalis, Disputationum de iustitia et iure, tomus primus. Hoc est, de rerum domino, de obligatione Prælati Regularis circa paupertatem, An beneficiarij sint domini suorum redituum, De filiis-familias, quarum rerum dominium habeant, De modo acquirendi rerum dominia, De iniuriis, De restitutione tam bonorum fortunæ, quam honoris, famæ, &c. De causis excusantibus à restitutione. Editio novissima, a mendi expurgata.
Mayerne, Louis Turquet de. The generall historie of Spaine, Containing all the memorable things that haue past in the Realmes of Castille, Leon, Nauarre, Arragon, Portugall, Granado, &c. and by what meanes they were vnited, and so continue vnder Philip the third, King of Spaine, now reigning; Written in French by Levvis de Materne Turquet, vnto the year 1583: Translated into English, and continued vnto these times by Edvvard Grimeston, Esquire.
Pindar. [Pindarou periodos] Pindari Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia. Johannes Benedictus Medicinae Doctor, & in Salmuriensi Academia Regio linguae Graecae Professor, ad metri rationem, variorum exemplarium fidem, scholiastae ad verisimiles coniecturas directionem, totum authorem innumeris mendis repurgauit. Metaphrasi recognita, latina paraphrasi addita, poeticis & obscuris phrasibus Graeca prosa declaratis; denique adiectis rerum & verborum breuibus & sufficientibus commentarijs, arduum eiusdem sensum explanauit. Edition purissima, cum indice locupletissimo.
Serreius, Joannes. Grammaticae Gallicae, ex optimis in hoc genere auctoribus, vsitata & perspicua Methodo concinnatae. Per Ioannem Serreium Baudovillanum: Editio secunda. Non sine labore & industria plerisque in locis emendata, & necessarijs obseruationibus e quotidiana lectione aucta: sic vt plane nova videri queat.